Elder Scrolls: Oblivion Cheat Codes
Console menu functions
Saat di dalam game, tekan tombo [~] kapan saja untuk masuk ke kotak cheat.
Cheat | Effect |
Click any human or creature, type "kill" | Instant kills |
Click a locked door or chest, type "unlock" | Unlocks target object |
Without targeting, type "tgm" | God Mode |
tfh | Toggle Full Help |
player.additem 0000000F 'XXX' | Menambah jumlah gold. Ganti 'XXX' dengan jumlah yg anda inginkan. |
player.AddItem 00000000 # | gives you # of item 00000000 (use other hex combinations for items) |
player.AddSpell 00000000 | gives you spell 00000000 (use other hex combinations for spells) |
modpcs skill 100 | adds 100 points to the skill |
modpca luck 100 | adds 100 pointsto an attribute (here luck) |
player.setlevel 1 | Mengganti level pemain. Masukkan level dari 1 sampai 255 |
advlevel | forces a level up with the levelup screen. |
advskill skill # | Forces a skill level up of # levels, example: advskill blade 4 |
showclassmenu | Merubah class |
Showbirthsignmenu | Allows you to change your birthsign |
movetoqt | Teleports langsung ke quest target (untuk yang lagi malas) membuat game jadi lebih singkat ^_^ |
qqq | exit game tanpa melewati menu |
tcai | Toggle combat ai, "sitting ducks" springs to mind |
tfc | "ufo cam", freeflyng camera |
caqs | Menyelesaikan semua stage quest. |
ShowSubtitle | Toggles NPC conversation subtitles |
psb | Add all spells to player |
SexChange | Merubah gender |
TCL | Toggles collision ( noclip anyone?:), you go in the direction your facing, up/down/etc ) |
TDT | Toggle debug display (FPS etc) |
TM | Toggles hiding of all menus (for taking screenshots) |
SSG | Creates a window with the full game scene graph |
TDETECT | Toggle AI detection |
TLL | Toggle land LOD |
TS | Toggle sky |
TLV | Toggle leaves |
TWF | Toggle wireframe mode |
TAI | Toggle AI |
TG | Toggle Grass |
TT | Toggle trees |
player.setAV | Increase (Or decrease) Ability or Attribute |
player.additem | Gives the player the given item and amount of the item. |
ShowBirthSignMenu | Show the sign selection screen |
ShowRaceMenu | Show the name/race/appearance selection screen |
ShowClassMenu | Show the class selection screen |
SetPCFame | gives you fame |
SetPCInfamy | gives you infamy |
TFOW | Toggles fog of war that hides the map |
FOV # | Change the angle of your point of view (default is 75) |
player.setcrimegold 0 | Removes Bounty on your head. NOTE: Jika kamu di kejar penjaga kota, keluarlah dulu dari kota setelah itu kembali lagi masuk kota. |
PlaceAtMe | spawns a npc or item or creature where you put the cords in this recuires a ref. |
coc toddtest | Teleports player to developer testing grounds. |
player.payfine | Guards stop attacking you and bounty is paid off. |
resurrect | Resurrect targeted monster/human. |
player.removeitem | Removes any item |
player.removespell | Removes specified spell |
hairtint (red/green/blue) | Change player hair colour |
help | List console commands |
lock [1-100] | Lock selected door or container |
showfullquestlog [quest id] | Show all log entries for indicated quest |
showquestlog | Show quest log |
showquestlog 0 | Show current quest log |
showquestlog 1 | Show completed quest log |
showquesttargets | Show current quest targets |
tws | Toggle water |
pov [#] | Set point of view angle (75 by default) |
savegame [filename] | Save game |
setcamerafov [degrees] | Set camera field of view (75 by default) |
setscale number | Merubah ukuran objek. Klik ke objek untuk membesarkan atau mengecilkan. Masukkan nomor dari 0.5 sampai 2. (1 =normal size). |
coc testinghall | Teleports player to an area with all objects, monsters, and NPCs in-game. |
player.setstage | Advances specific quest to specified stage |
player.completequest | Removes active quest specified (doesn't complete it) |
stopcombat | Immediately stops the combat of the selected friend/foe. |
player.placeatme | Summon a NPC at your current location |
twr | Toggles Water Radius |
set timescale to | Set the speed at which time flows, 30 is default and 1.0 is real-time. |
drop amount | drops the item |
equipitem | equips the item |
PCB | Purge cell buffer. This will free up used memory, often times increasing fps after any given amount of time in game. Best used while in interior cells |
ModDisposition ObjREF Amount | modifies actor's disposition towards ObjREF. Example: ModDisposition 014 -100 makes your target strongly dislike __ you __ |
GetPos X | Melihat koordinat X di layar. Y and Z are also valid. Use Player.GetPos X or "014".GetPos X to find out where you are on the X-axis! |
SetPos X Value | set target's X coordinate, i.e., move the target. Use Player.SetPos Z to train acrobatics. Be careful not to move something beyond your reach.. |
MoveTo ObjREF | move target to ObjREF. You might enlist 'frequently visited' ObjREFs for further fast-travel, or even create your own 'places' by dropping items.. |
SetAV AValue Amount | set some ability or skill (AValue to be Marksman, LightArmor, etc.) Also not-so obvious values are: Aggression, Energy, Confidence, Responsibility.. |
SetAV Aggression 100 | target should attack anybody it doesn't like, without prompt |
SetCrimeGold 2000 | set a bounty on actor's head. Use upon a character you want punished by guards. Also should be funny using it on town guards themselves. |
StopCombat | actor stops combat, hides its weapon. Actor will start again, if it finds proper targets. |
SetItemValue Amount | (should be used on items, not actors) Sets item's price |
CreateFullActorCopy | create a fully identical copy of a target for some purpose. All attributes, spells, and items copy. |
Player.CreateFullActorCopy | places another "Yourself" near you. You even might test "yourself" in combat, but be careful with all those guilds stuff.. |
SetActorFullName "John Doe" | change actor's name |
DeleteFullActorCopy | removes selected target if it was a copy created with CreateFullActorCopy (Now, after you had plenty fun with your replica, it's time to release it) |
DuplicateAllItems DestinationObjREF | copy items from target actor (or chest or other container) into object referenced by DestinationObjREF. |
RemoveAllItems | remove all items from target. Use Player.RemoveAllItems to strip off any stolen and not stolen goods from yourself. |
PRID Player | select yourself as a target. In theory, one can also select other named objects, but for now other names are unknown. |
Look ObjREF | target looks towards referenced object |
StopLook | target stops looking (this is to cancel any previous Look cheat) |
Drop TypeREF Amount | an item of given type drops out from selected target's inventory. Item is treated owned by target, so you will steal it on picking up |
UnEquipItem TypeREF | target deactivates an item of given type (may be used to disarm or undress target). |
SetBarterGold Amount | sets amount of gold a merchant has for trade. (don't forget to first select any merchant as a target :J) |
ShowSpellMaking | Forces up spell creation screen |
Killall | Kills Everything Where You Are (If You Are In A Town Outside It Kills Everything Outside) |
lock [value] | Lock a door |
tmm 1 | Shows all map markers |
setweight XXX | Sets the item's weight to XXX |
Player.kill | Bunuh Diri. |
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