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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cheat (PC)

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cheat Codes

lihat PS3, X360, Wii


Di Main Menu, lihat ke arah tangan dan tekan spasi berulang-ulang. Setelah beberapa waktu, anda bebas menuju kursi interogasi. , berjalanlah ke arah komputer. Akses ke komputer, lalu masukkan kode berikut:

Cheat Effect
DOA Lets you play "Dead Ops Arcade"
3ARC INTEL Unlocks all Intel in the game for viewing
3ARC UNLOCK Unlocks Dead Ops Arcade and Presidential Zombie Mode
zork starts Zork, a 1979 text-based adventure game Zork on the terminal
who shows a lists of the users who have accounts on terminal
mail opens the mail folder for the current user
login attempts a new session with a corresponding username and password
hello sailor starts Zork, a 1979 text-based adventure game Zork on the terminal
foobar shows the following text on the terminal: "Fee Fie Foe Foo!"
encode encodes a stringusing the CIA's cypher
decode decodes a stringusing the CIA's cypher
ls displays the contents of the current directory.
dir displays the contents of the current directory.
print prints or shows the contents of a file
cat prints or shows the contents of a file
alicia starts Alicia, a virtual therapist
help displays help

Terminal Codes (Usernames dan Passwords)

Masukkan kode dalam terminal (tekan spasi berulang-ulang, dan terminal akan berada di sisi belakang ruang). ketik 'login', dan masukkan kombinasi username/password. Setelah itu anda dapat melihat dokumen pribadi user dengan mengetik 'dir' (setelah anda masuk sebagai user), serta melihat email dengan cara mengetik perintah 'mail'.

Cheat Effect
Username: jfkennedy Password: lancer Login as John F. Kennedy
Username: rnixon Password: checkers Login as Richard Nixon
Username: lbjohnson Password: ladybird Login as Lindon B. Johnson
Username: vbush Password: manhattan Login as Vannevar Bush
Username: amason Password: password Login as Alex Mason

Login ke Dreamland Server (Usernames & Passwords)

Ketik 'rlogin dreamland'. Setelah anda menjalankan perintah ini, anda akan disuruh login menggunakan akun berakses MJ12. Berikut beberapa usernames/passwords.

Cheat Effect
Username: vbush password: majestic1 Login to Dreamland as Vannevar Bush
Username: roppen Password: trinity Login to Dreamland as Robert Oppen

Console Codes

Untuk membuka console codes di single player, buka config.cfg file dengan text editor (biasanya notepad). (Biasanya ada di Steam > steamapps > common > call of duty black ops > players. Setelah anda buka temukan text "seta monkeytoy" dan set ke 0. Setelah itu, tekan tombol ~ yang akan membuka console codes.

Cheat Effect
/god God Mode.
/noclip Go through walls, the ground, etc.
/give all Give all weapons
cg_drawfps 1 Show FPS


are art said...

test brow

Unknown said...

ane masih belum ngerti gan koq config.cfg apaan gan

TOMY INDRA said...


Anonymous said...

bisa gk nih?

Unknown said...

Code tamat nya apa gan?

Unknown said...

Ini cheat call of duty black ops atau call of duty black ops 2

Adriyan said...

Pasword buat instal call of duty apa ya.?

Pujangga Sezaman said...

Masuk ke mode new game gan.., lalu coba lagi.

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