Morrowind Cheat Codes
Weapon Codes
Saat berada dalam game tekan '' ~ '' untuk masuk ke jendela cheat. Untuk cheat yang akan mempengaruhi karakter kamu, ketik : "player->" di ikuti dengan kode yang ada di bawah ini. Untuk mendapat jumlah barang yang di inginkan, masukkan angka setelah kode.
Cheat | Effect |
additem katana_bluebrand_unique | Katana Bluebrand |
additem katana_goldbrand_unique | Katana Goldbrand |
additem glass_dagger_enamor | Glass Dagger Enamor |
additem misc_soulgem_azura | Misc. Soulgem Azura |
additem dwe_jinksword_curse_unique | DWE Jinksword Curse |
additem banhammer_unique | Banhammer |
additem Azura_star_unique | Azura Star |
additem bonebiter_bow_unique | Bonebiter Bow |
additem longsword_umbra_unique | Longsword Umbra |
additem dagger_fang_unique | Dagger Fang |
additem daedric_scourge_unique | Daedric Scource |
additem daedric_club_tgdc | Daedric Club |
additem ebony_bow_auriel | Ebony Bow |
additem ebony_staff_tges | Ebony Staff |
additem ebony_dagger_mehrunes | Ebony Dagger |
additem magic_bolt | Magic Bolt |
additem spark_bolt | Spark Bolt |
additem shard_bolt | Shard Bolt |
additem flame_bolt | Flame Bolt |
Cheat codes
Tambahan :
Cheat | Effect |
additem gold_001 {number} | Gold Boost |
createmaps {''filename.esp''} | Create Map image file for Xbox |
setflying 1 | Flight Mode |
sethealth {number} | Health |
setwaterbreathing 1 | Infinate Underwater Breathing |
setfatigue {number} | Max Fatigue Level |
setmagicka {number} | Max Magic Level |
setlevel {number} | Player Level |
setsuperjump 1 | Super Jumping |
setwaterwalking 1 | Walk on water |
coc ''ken's test hole'' | Will teleport you to an otherwise inaccessbile room with some very valuable weapons in it. |
help | List of console cheats included in the game |
COC ''Name Of City'' | Travel To Cities Instantly (Example: COC ''Balmora'') |
setx ''y'' | Raise skills/attributes (Example: player->setillusion ''99'' ) |
FillJournal | Add all entries to journal (takes a long time ) |
FillMap | Show all the towns on the full map |
ToggleGodMode | Toggles god mode |
ToggleAI | Toggle for AI |
ToggleFogOfWar | Turn fog of war on or off |
COC ''ToddTest'' | Go to an otherwise inaccessible debug room with chests containing every single item in the game |
coc ''Clutter Warehouse - Everything Must Go!'' | This will teleport you to a secret trading area that you cannot access otherwise. Save before entering. |
ra | Send all NPC's and monsters back to their starting location. This can solve many problems such as a Stilt strider operater falling off his platform or a monster blocking a door and keeping it from opening. |
TFH | Give you a lot of extra information about an item when you put the pointer over it. |
TGM | Toggles god mode on/off |
COC ''Mark's Vampire Test Cell'' | Go to a room w/2 vampires and a bed |
TKS | keep track of all the kills you make |
COC "Character Stuff Wonderland" | Transports you to Character Stuff Wonderland, which has all armor and weapons in the game. Guarded by several monsters, so be careful! |
Enablelevelupmenu | Enables the level up menu |
Daedric Weapons Cheats
Cara mendapatkan senjata Daedric tanpa harus masuk ke dalam dungeon.
Buka jendela cheat dengan menekan ~ lalu masukkan kode berikut (harus benar huruf besar kecil) lalu tekan enter:
player -> AddItem ''daedric club'' 1
player -> AddItem ''daedric arrow'' 1
player -> AddItem ''daedric_crescent_unique'' 1
player -> AddItem ''daedric battle axe'' 1
player -> AddItem ''daedric dagger'' 1
player -> AddItem ''daedric claymore'' 1
player -> AddItem ''daedric dagger_mtas'' 1
player -> AddItem ''daedric dagger_soultrap'' 1
player -> AddItem ''daedric dai-katana'' 1
player -> AddItem ''daedric long bow'' 1
player -> AddItem ''daedric staff'' 1
player -> AddItem ''daedric warhammer'' 1
player -> AddItem ''daedric war axe'' 1
player -> AddItem ''daedric mace'' 1
player -> AddItem ''daedric longsword'' 1
player -> AddItem ''daedric tanto'' 1
player -> AddItem ''daedric warhammer_ttgd'' 1
player -> AddItem ''daedric katana'' 1
player -> AddItem ''daedric dart'' 1
player -> AddItem ''daedric spear'' 1
player -> AddItem ''daedric_scourge_unique'' 1
player -> AddItem ''daedric shortsword'' 1
player -> AddItem ''daedric wakizashi'' 1
player -> AddItem ''daedric wakizashi_ttgd'' 1
Console Code For the Package for Caius Cosades.
Buka jendela cheat dengan menekan ''~''
Cheat | Effect |
player->additem bk_a1_1_caiuspackage 1 | Places the Package for Caius Cosades in your inventory |
Unlock Anything
Ini wajib ditekan dulu ~ . Lalu masukkan kode di bawah :
Cheat | Effect |
player->additem skeleton_key "1" | Will add the skeleton key to your inventory. You can unlock ANY thing with it. |
Get more information on items!
Buka jendela cheat
Cheat | Effect |
TFH | Give you a lot of extra information about an item when you put the pointer over it. |
Secret Master's Equipment Cheat Codes
Tekan ~
Cheat | Effect |
Player->AddItem "pick_secretmaster" 1 | Secret Master's Lockpick |
Player->AddItem "probe_secretmaster" 1 | Secret Master's Probe |
Player->AddItem "repair_secretmaster_01" 1 | Sirollus Saccus' Hammer |
Player->AddItem "apparatus_sm_mortar_01" 1 | SecretMaster's Mortar and Pestle |
Player->AddItem "apparatus_sm_alembic_01" 1 | SecretMaster's Alembic |
Player->AddItem "apparatus_sm_calcinator_01" 1 | SecretMaster's Calcinator |
Player->AddItem "apparatus_sm_retort_01" 1 | SecretMaster's Retort |
Vampirism for dummies
Seperti biasa tekan ~ selama berada dalam game.
Cheat | Effect |
StartScript "vampire_quarra_PC" | Turns your character into a Quarra Clan vampire |
StartScript "vampire_berne_PC" | Turns your character into a Berne Clan vampire |
StartScript "vampire_aundae_PC" | Turns you character into a Aundae Clan vampire |
startscript "vampire_cure_pc" | Cures vampirism |
Change Disposition
Tekan (~).
Cheat | Effect |
setdisposition 100 | Makes the targeted NPC love you. |
setdisposition 0 | Makes the targeted NPC hate you. |
player->setreputation 255 | Makes you really famous. |
player->setreputation 0 | Makes you not famous. |
setpccrimelevel 0 | remove bounty on your head (no longer breaking the law) |
Immunity To Diseases
Tekan "~"
Cheat | Effect |
player->addspell "Common Disease Immunity" | Gives you immunity from all common diseases (also gives immunity from vampire bites) |
player->addspell "Blight Disease Immunity" | Gives you immunity from the Blight Disease |
player->addspell "Corprus Immunity" | Gives you immunity from Corprus |
Guild Codes
Buka jendela cheat, tekan "~"
(catatan: ganti "factionname" dengan nama faction yang anda mau. Contohnya "Redoran" "Telvanni" or "Hlaalu". Untuk Guild seperti The Fighters, Mages, and Thieves Guilds, di haruskan menambah kata "Guild" contohnya "Mages Guild")
Cheat | Effect |
pcjoinfaction "factionname" | Forces player into faction |
pcraiserank "factionname" | Raises player's rank in faction |
pclowerrank "factionname" | Lowers player's rank in faction |
PCClearExpelled "factionname" | Clears expulsion status from faction |
Use the console to give your character Abilities and Powers (Such as Fortify Attribute, Chameleon 100%, etc.)
Tekan ~.
Cheat | Effect |
player->addspell "Vivec_Abilities" | Fortify Strength 100, Attack 50. |
player->addspell "Royal_Blood" | Fortify Heavy Armor, Block, Long Blade, etc.(Tribunal only) |
player->addspell "Royal_Resistance" | Resist magic, fire, ice, paralysis, etc. (Tribunal only) |
player->addspell "regen_imperfect" | Regenerate Magicka and Health (Tribunal only) |
player->addspell "magicka mult bonus_15" | Fortify Maximum Magicka 1.5x INT |
player->addspell "immune to normal weapons" | 100% Immune to normal weapons |
player->addspell "Her_mirror" | A series of reflect and shield effects; *very* powerful (Tribunal only) |
player->addspell "Her_mirror_2" | A series of reflect and shield effects; almost as powerful as the first Her_mirror ability. (Tribunal only) |
player->addspell "Chameleon_100_unique" | Chameleon 100%. |
player->addspell "ghost ability" | Chameleon 50% |
Modify any of your stats or skills through the console
Untuk merubah stats karaktermu. Pertama tekan ` (~). Lalu masukkan kode berikut:
player -> setstatname value
For example,
player -> setstrength 1000
will change your strength to 1000
Any stat or skill that has a space or a symbol in it, just remove it like so,
player -> sethandtohand 100
player -> lightarmor 100
Cheat | Effect |
player -> setstrength 1000 | Modifies your strength to 1000 |
player -> setstatname value | Modifies your statname to value |
Change your character
Tekan (~).
Cheat | Effect |
Enter "enablestatreviewmenu" | Enables you to change all your stats, from your name to birth sign. |
Another easy way to unlock doors, chests, etc.
Tekan~. Klik kiri ke objek yang ingin di unlock, setelah nama objek terlihat. Di jendela cheat, ketik"unlock".^_^
Locking doors, chests, etc.
Tekan ~. Sama saja dengan cheat di atas, kita hanya mengganti kata "unlock" menjadi "lock".
Artifact Codes
Tekan (~).
Cheat | Effect |
Wraithguard left | wraithguard_jury_rig |
Wraithguard right | wraithguard |
Sunder | sunder |
Keening | keening |
Shadow Shield | shadow_shield |
Moon-and-Star | moon_and_star |
Stalhrim Longsword of Flame | BM ice longsword_FG_Unique |
Mace of Aevar Stone-Singer | BM_Mace_Aevar_UNI |
Spear of the Hunter | BM_hunterspear_unique |
Hunter's Amulet of Strength | bm_amulstr1 |
Hunter's Amulet of Speed | bm_amulspd1 |
Hircine's Ring | BM_ring_hircine |
Trueflame (without flame) | nerevarblade_01 |
Trueflame(with flame) | nerevarblade_01_flame |
Hopesfire | Sword of Almalexia |
Barilzar's Mazed Band | mazed_band_end |
Change Name, Race, Class, and Birthsign of character.
Tekan ~ .
Cheat | Effect |
enablenamemenu | Opens name change menu. |
enableracemenu | Opens Race change menu where you can change your race and head. |
enableclassmenu | Opens class change menu. |
enablebirthsignmenu | Opens birthsign change menu. |
ScreenShots, Frames Per Second and Error Fix
Kembali ke Desktop->Start->Search, lalu cari file dan folder, morrowind.ini
Jika sudah ketemu, dobel klik file tersebut dan buka Notepad. Temukan, Screen Shot Enable=0, lalu rubah menjadi Screen Shot Enable=1.
Untuk melihat FPS (Frame Per Second), temukan, Show FPS=0 rubah menjadi Show FPS=1
Untuk menghilangkan error messages, temukan, AllowYesToAll=1 jika tidak ada tambahkan saja
Akan terlihat seperti ini:
Show FPS=1
Max FPS=240
Screen Shot Enable=1
Simpan perubahan, Play the Game! Ketika kamu menekan PrtScrn key untuk mengambil screenshot, akan langsung tersimpan di folder Morrowind folder sebagai "ScreenShot 0.bmp". Saat bermain, kamu akan melihat FPS (Frame Per Second) di sebelah kanan bawah layar.
Change AI movement behavior
Untuk mengatur pergerakan AI atau NPC. Pertama tekan ~ lalu klik ke NPC yang ingin kamu pilih. masukkan kode.
Cheat | Effect |
ForceRun | Make NPC run |
ClearForceRun | Undo ForceRun |
ForceJump | Make NPC constantly jump |
ClearForceJump | Undo ForceJump |
GetForceRun | Return "true" if NPC is in ForceRun |
GetForceJump | Return "true" if NPC is in ForceJump |
ForceSneak | Make NPC sneak (if it wants to run, it will only walk) |
ClearForceSneak | End ForceSneak |
GetForceSneak | Returns "true" if NPC is in ForceSneak |
ForceMoveJump | NPC will jump when moving (as opposed to always jumping) |
ClearForceMoveJump | End ForceMoveJump |
GetForceMoveJump | Returns "true" in NPC is in ForceMoveJump |
Revive the Dead
Saat karaktermu mati, atau kamu ingin menghidupkan kembali NPC atau monster yang telah mati (tidak berlaku untuk Perma Corpses) buka jendela cheat dengan menekan (~)
Jika kamu menghidupkan dirimu lagi, kamu tidak dapat mengeluarkan skill, serta stat karaktermu akan turun.
Cheat | Effect |
player -> resurrect | Revives you |
resurrect | Revives the NPC/monster that you selected for the cosole |
Cheat list of spells
Masuk jendela cheat dengan menekan ~, ketik Player->addspell "spell name". Ubah "spell name" dengan kode berikut :
Cheat | Effect |
Spirit Knife | Adds Spirit Knife |
Soul Trap | Adds Soul Trap (useless without soul gems) |
Water Breathing | Adds Water Breathing |
Levitate | Adds Levitate |
Mark | Adds Mark (Useless without Recall) |
Recall | Adds Recall (useless without Mark) |
Summon Scamp | Adds Summon Scamp |
Summon Winged Twilight | Adds Summon Winged Twilight |
Summon Frost Atronach | Adds Summon Frost Atronach |
Summon Daedroth | Adds Summon Daedroth |
Summon Bonelord | Adds Summon Bonelord |
Summon Flame Atronach | Adds Summon Flame Atronach |
Detect Creature | Adds Detect Creature |
Restore Strength | Adds Restore Strength |
Restore Intelligence | Adds Restore Intelligence |
Restore Willpower | Adds Restore Willpower |
Restore Agility | Adds Retore Agility |
Restore Speed | Adds Restore Speed |
Restore Personality | Adds Restore Personality |
Restore Luck | Adds Restore Luck |
Quicksilver | Adds Quicksilver |
Bound Boots | Adds Bound Boots |
Bound helm | Adds Bound Helm |
Bound Shortsword | Adds Bound Shortsword |
Bound Longsword | Adds Bound Longsword |
Bound Longbow | Adds Bound Longbow |
Bound Axe | Adds Bound Axe |
Bound Spear | Adds Bound Spear |
Bound Dagger | Adds Bound Dagger |
Bound Club | Adds Bound Club |
Fire Bite | Adds Fire Bite |
Fireball | Adds Fireball |
Flamebolt | Adds Flamebolt |
God's Fire | Adds God's Fire |
Frostbite | Adds Frostbite |
Frost | Adds Frost |
God's Frost | Adds God's Frost |
Spark | Adds Spark |
Shockball | adds Shockball |
God's Spark | Adds God's Spark |
Hearth Heal | Add;s Hearth Heal |
Water Walking | Adds Water Walking |
Buoyancy | adds Buoyancy |
Chills | adds Chills |
Vivec's Feast | adds Vivec's Feast |
Vivec's Fury | adds Vivec's Fury |
Vivec's Humility | adds Vivec's Humility |
Vivec's Kiss | adds Vivec's Kiss |
Vivec's Mercy | adds Vivec's Mercy |
Vivec's Mystery | adds Vivec's Mystery |
Vivec's Tears | adds Vivec's Tears |
Vivec's_wrath | adds Vivec's_Wrath |
Vampire's Kiss | adds Vampire's Kiss |
Summon Clanfear | adds Summon Clanfear |
Summon Golden Saint | adds Summon Golden Saint |
Summon Least Bonewalker | adds Summon Least Bonewalker |
summon_centurion_unique | adds Dwemer Animunculi |
Summon Dremora | adds Summon Dremora |
suicide_test | adds Suicide (if you have less than 30 health, don't bother casting) |
Slowfall | adds Slowfall |
Shockbite | adds Shockbite |
Shrine *skill* skill | adds Shrine *skill* skill (put a skill in the *skill* part like Shine Axe Skill) |
Shard | adds shard |
Morrowind Passwords
More unique items
Tekan ~, lalu ketik "player->additem" dan kode di bawah ini
Password | Effect |
ring_khajiit_unique | ring of khajiit |
ring_mentor_unique | mentor's ring |
ring_wind_unique | ring of the wind |
ring_surrounding_unique | ring of surroundings |
ring_vampiric_unique | vampiric ring |
ring_warlock_unique | warlock's ring |
ring_denstagmer_unique | denstagmer's ring |
ring_phynaster_unique | ring of phynaster |
staff_hasedoki_unique | staff of hasedoki |
staff_magnus_unique | staff of magnus |
daedric_scourge_unique | scourge |
daedric_crescent_unique | crescent |
katana_goldbrand_unique | goldbrand |
katana_bluebrand_unique | eltonbrand |
spear_mercy_unique | spear of bitter mercy |
dagger_fang_unique | fang of heynekutnawhatever |
cuirass_savior_unique | cuirass of the savior's hide |
boots_apostle_unique | boots of the apostle |
helm_bearclaw_unique | helm of oyren bearclaw |
spell_breaker_unique | spell breaker |
Selama bermain, tekan "~".
Password | Effect |
BC | Beta Comment |
PT | Purges' Textures |
RA | Resets Actors |
SA | Show Animation |
SG | Shows Group |
ST | Shows Target |
SV | Shows Variables |
TB | Toggles Borders |
TG | Toggles Grid |
TL | Toggles Lights |
TM | Toggles Menus |
TS | Toggles Sky |
TW | Toggles WOrld |
ORI | Output Reference Info |
SCT | Stop Cell Test |
SSG | Show Scene Graph |
T3D | Test Models |
TAI | Toggles AI |
TCB | Toggles Collision Boxes |
TCG | Toggles Collision Grid |
TCL | Toggles Collision |
TCS | Toggles Combat Stats |
TFH | Toggles Full Help |
TDS | Toggles Dialog Stats |
TGM | Toggles God Mode |
TKS | Toggles Kill Stats |
TLF | Toggles Load Fade |
TMS | Toggles Magic Stats |
TPG | Toggles Path Grid Display |
TSO | Toggles Script Output |
TST | Toggles Stats |
TTS | Toggles Texture String |
TVM | Toggles Vanity Mode |
TWA | Toggles Water |
TWF | Toggles Wireframe |
MOTO | Moves one to one |
TFOW | Toggles God of War |
FixMe | Fixes Me (No idea what for though) |
TestCells | Starts Exterior Cell Test |
TestInteriorCells | Starts Interior Cell Test |
ToggleScripts | Toggles Scripts |
Raw Materials
Tidak banyak orang dapat menemukan raw materials. Cara mudahnya tekan ~ (hahahaha..)
Password | Effect |
player->additem ingred_raw_ebony_01 (value) | Gives the amount of raw ebony specified |
player->additem ingred_raw_glass_01 (value) | Gives the amount of raw glass specified |
Thank a lot gan!
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