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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Doom 3 (PC)

Doom 3 Cheat Codes

Console Commands

Tekan Ctrl+Alt+~ untuk masuk console dalam single player game:

Cheat Effect
god God Mode
give all All weapons with full ammo, health and armor
noclip Walk through solid objects
aviDemo Saves a demo of your playing to an AVI movie file
benchmark Game Benchmark
freeze Freeze all on screen
gfxinfo Graphicscard infomation
notarget Invisibility to most enemies
give weapon_machinegun Machinegun
give weapon_shotgun Shotgun
give weapon_plasmagun Plasmagun
give weapon_bfg BFG
give weapon_chainsaw Chainsaw
give weapon_rocketlauncher give weapon_rocketlauncher
status Your game status
quit Quit game
com_showfps 1 Draws your Framerate.
kill Commit suicide
killmonsters Kills all Monsters
give ammo Max Ammo
give health Max Health
give weapon_chaingun Chaingun
pm_thirdperson 1 3rd Person View ON
pm_thirdperson 0 3rd Person View OFF
g_showplayershadow 1 You can see your shadow during singleplayer.
give pda Gives PDAs/disks of the level you're in.
give berserk Berserk mode
editor Opens up map editor
com_allowconsole 1 This will make it so you only have to press ~ to open the console, no longer alt+ctrl+~.
pm_walkspeed ### Defines how fast you are when you walk.
pm_runspeed ### Defines how fast you are when you run/sprint.
pm_crouchspeed ### Defines how fast you are when you crouch.
pm_noclipspeed ### Defines how fast you move with the "noclip" code turned on.
pm_jumpheight ### Defines how high you jump.
g_nightmare 1 Unlock Nightmare Mode
set g_dragEntity 1 Grabs objects/bodies when you aim and fire at them
give armor Gives you 125 armor
clear Clear console text
give keys All keys
r_gamma <0-3> Set gamma level
r_brightness <#> Set brightness level
s_showlevelmeter 1 Toggle sound level display
g_showprojectilepct 1 Toggle hit % to HUD
say Send message to everyone in multi-player
killmoveables Kill all moving enemies
killragdolls Kill all non-moving enemies
listmonsters Lists images of monsters
listlightdefs Lists indicated def file settings
idkfa secret message
Com_Fixedtic -1 Removes 60 FPS Limit
clearlights All lights turn off. Only light is by flashlight....
testlight Makes a light for you to see better
spawn monster_zombie_morgue Spawns a zombie similar to the one in the infirmary.
give weapon_flashlight Gives Flashlight
gotohell Instant win
pomber Never out of ammo

Spawn monsters/items

Tekan (Ctrl+Alt+~) Ketik kode berikut untuk memunculkan monster/senjata. Mungkin anda harus memakai kode "Notarget" jadi ketika monster muncul tidak akan langsung menyerang anda.

Cheat Effect
spawn monster_zombie_fat Fat zombie
spawn monster_zombie_maint "Yellow Jacket" Zombie
spawn monster_zombie_commando_cgun Chaingun Zombie
spawn monster_zombie_commando Tentacle Zombie
spawn monster_demon_imp Imp
spawn monster_demon_pinky Pinky Demon (Cyber dog)
spawn monster_demon_trite Trite demon
spawn monster_demon_maggot Maggot demon
spawn monster_demon_hellknight Hellknight demon
spawn monster_demon_tick Tick demon
spawn monster_demon_archvile Arch-Vile demon
spawn monster_demon_mancubus Mancubus demon
spawn monster_flying_cacodemon Flying Cacodemon
spawn weapon_pistol Pistol
spawn weapon_bfg BFG 9000
spawn weapon_shotgun Shotgun
spawn weapon_chaingun Chaingun
spawn weapon_machinegun Machinegun
spawn weapon_rocketlauncher Rocket Launcher
spawn weapon_plasmagun Plasma Rifle
spawn weapon_soulcube Soul Cube
spawn monster_boss_cyberdemon Cyberdemon
spawn monster_demon_cherub Spawns a cherub (baby locust)
spawn monster_demon_imp_crawler Spawns an imp that starts out in crawling position.
spawn monster_demon_imp_crawl_armdoor Spawns an imp in a weird position. Doesnt move.
spawn monster_demon_revenant Spawns a revenant.
spawn monster_flying_lostsoul Spawns a lostsoul, sorta low to the ground.
spawn monster_zombie_bernie Spawns a flaming Bernie zombie! Wewt!
spawn monster_zombie_boney Spawns a strong, boney zombie.
spawn monster_boss_guardian Spawns the hell boss, the Guardian.
spawn monster_boss_guardian_spawner Spawns the floating blue thing above the Guardian. O.o;
spawn monster_boss_guardian_seeker Spawns the Guardian's Seeker.
spawn monster_boss_maledict_cinematic Spawns an immobile, untouchable, unremovable Maledict, the thing you see in the ending cinematic of the game. There is no point in this one.
spawn monster_boss_sabaoth Spawns the CPU boss, Sabaoth.
spawn monster_boss_Vagary Spawns the spider boss, Vagary.
spawn char_campbell_bfgcase spawns campbell holding his bfg case
spawn char_betruger spawns the evil betruger
spawn char_swann spawns swann
spawn char_campbell spawns campbell holding...nothing!
spawn char_hazmat spawns a hazard suit scientist
spawn char_campbell_bfg spawns campbell holding bfg
spawn env_gibs_spine spawns a bloody spine
spawn env_gibs_torso spawns a bloody human torso
spawn env_gibs_leftleg (or right) spawns a bloody leg
spawn env_gibs_leftarm (or right) spawns a bloody arm
spawn moveable_chair (1,2 or 5) chair
spawn moveable_ktable table
spawn moveable_computer computer
spawn moveable_base_fixed base
spawn moveable_base_barrel barrel
spawn moveable_base_domino domino
spawn moveable_base_boulder boulder
spawn moveable_burgerboxopen open burger box
spawn moveable_burgerboxclose closed burger box
spawn moveable_paperwad wad of paper
spawn moveable_burger burger
spawn moveable_base_brick base brick
spawn moveable_wrench wrench
spawn moveable_base base
spawn moveable_cannister canister
spawn moveable_blaptop laptop
spawn moveable_cartonbox (1-8) carton
spawn moveable_cokecan coke can
spawn moveable_monitor monitor
spawn moveable_gizmo (1-3) gizmo
spawn moveable_item_(any weapon here) weapons
spawn marscity_marine_helmet_p90_walking armed guard
spawn char_security_goggles_pistol guard with a pistol
spawn moveable_burningtank oxygen tank that explodes when shot
spawn moveable_explodingtank oxygen tank that explodes when shot
spawn moveable_burningbarrel highly explosive barrel
spawn moveable_explodingbarrel explosive barrel
spawn env_ragdoll_skeleton2 a "clean" skeleton
spawn env_ragdoll_skeleton a bloody skeleton
spawn monster_zsec_pistol_slowfire Spawns a Zsec with a pistol, fires slowly.
spawn monster_zsec_shotgun Spawns a Zsec with a shotgun.
spawn monster_zsec_machinegun Spawns a Zsec with a machine gun.
spawn monster_zsec_pistol Spawns a Zsec with a pistol.

Test Maps

Tekan Alt+Ctrl+~

Cheat Effect
map testmaps/test_box A simple room
map testmaps/test_boxstack Tall room with domino effect boxes
map testmaps/test_lotsaimps Large room with lots of enemies

Level Select

Tekan Alt+Ctrl+~

Cheat Effect
map game/mp/d3dm5 Multiplayer Map 5
map game/mp/d3dm4 Multiplayer Map 4
map game/mp/d3dm3 Multiplayer Map 3
map game/mp/d3dm2 Multiplayer Map 2
map game/mp/d3dm1 Multiplayer Map 1
map game/site3 Site 3
map game/recycling2 Recycling 2
map game/recycling1 Recycling 1
map game/pdas PDAs
map game/monorail Monorail
map game/mc_underground MC Underground
map game/mars_city2 Mars City 2
map game/mars_city1 Mars City 1
map game/hellhole Hellhole
map game/hell1 Hell 1
map game/enpro Enpro
map game/delta5 Delta 5
map game/delta4 Delta 4
map game/delta3 Delta 3
map game/delta2 Delta 2
map game/delta1 Delta 1
map game/cpuboss CPU Boss
map game/cpu CPU
map game/commoutside Comm Outside
map game/comm1 Comm 1
map game/caverns1 Caverns 1
map game/caverns2 Caverns 2
map game/alphalabs4 Alpha Labs 4
map game/alphalabs3 Alpha Labs 3
map game/alphalabs2 Alpha Labs 2
map game/alphalabs1 Alpha Labs 1
map game/admin Mars City Administration

Third-Person Mode

Tekan Ctrl+Alt+~

Cheat Effect
pm_thirdpersondeath 1 Play from third person with your HUD, crosshair, etc.
pm_thirdPersonAngle "Value" Change the angle your character is viewed in thirdperson. 180 is a front view.
pm_thirdPersonHeight "Value" Change the height you are viewed in third person. Negative numbers are below normal.
pm_thirdPersonRange "Value" Change the distance the camera is from you in third person. 0 is a face view, 80 is default.

Spawn Ammo

Tekan (Ctrl+Alt+~)

Cheat Effect
spawn ammo_belt_small Ammo for Chaingun
spawn ammo_bfg_small Ammo for BFG 9000
spawn ammo_bullets_small Ammo for Pistol
spawn ammo_bullets_large Large ammo for Pistol
spawn ammo_cells_small Ammo for Plasma Rifle
spawn ammo_cells_large Large ammo for Plasma Rifle
spawn ammo_clip_small Ammo for Machinegun
spawn ammo_clip_large Large ammo for Machinegun
spawn ammo_grenage_small Hand Grenades
spawn ammo_rockets_small Ammo for Rocket Launcher
spawn ammo_rockets_large Large ammo for Rocket Launcher
spawn ammo_shells_small Ammo for Shotgun
spawn ammo_shells_large Large ammo for Shotgun

Give Ammo

Tekan (Ctrl+Alt+~)

Cheat Effect
give ammo_belt_small Get ammo for Chaingun
give ammo_bfg_small Get ammo for BFG 9000
give ammo_bullets_small Get ammo for Pistol
give ammo_bullets_large Get large ammo for Pistol
give ammo_cells_small Get ammo for Plasma Rifle
give ammo_cells_large Get large ammo for Plasma Rifle
give ammo_clip_small Get ammo for Machine Gun
give ammo_clip_large Get large ammo for Machine Gun
give ammo_grenage_small Get Hand Grenades
give ammo_rockets_small Get ammo for Rocket Launcher
give ammo_rockets_large Get large ammo for Rocket Launcher
give ammo_shells_small Get ammo for Shotgun
give ammo_shells_large Get large ammo for Shotgun

Spawn Monsters

Tekan Control+Alt+(~)

Cheat Effect
spawn monster_boss_cyberdemon Spawns Cyberdemon
spawn monster_boss_guardian Spawns Guardian
spawn monster_boss_guardian_seeker Spawns Guardian's Seeker
spawn monster_boss_sabaoth Spawns Sabaoth
spawn monster_boss_vagary Spawns Vagory
spawn monster_demon_archvile Spawns a Archvile
spawn monster_demon_cherub Spawns a Cherub
spawn monster_demon_hellknight Spawns a HellKnight
spawn monster_demon_imp Spawns a Imp
spawn monster_demon_maggot Spawns a Maggot
spawn monster_demon_mancubus Spawns a Mancubus
spawn monster_demon_pinky Spawns a Pinky
spawn monster_demon_revenant Spawns a Revenant
spawn monster_demon_tick Spawns a Tick
spawn monster_demon_trite Spawns a Trite
spawn monster_demon_wraith Spawns a Wraith demon
spawn monster_zombie_fat2 Spawns a Fat zombie with his intestines showing
spawn monster_zombie_fat_wrench Spawns a Fat2 zombie holding a wrench
spawn monster_zombie_jumpsuit Spawns a Jumpsuit zombie
spawn monster_zombie_maint_bald Spawns a bald "Yellow Jacket" zombie
spawn monster_zombie_maint_nojaw Spawns a "Yellow Jacket" zombie with no jaw
spawn monster_zombie_maint_skinny Spawns a Skinny "Yellow Jacket" zombie
spawn monster_zombie_maint_wrench Spawns a No Jaw "Yellow Jacket" zombie with a wrench
spawn monster_zombie_maint2 Spawns a completely black "Yellow Jacket" zombie
spawn monster_zombie_maint_flashlight Spawns a No Jaw "Yellow Jacket" zombie with a flashlight
spawn monster_zombie_sawyer Spawns a Chainsaw zombie
spawn monster_zombie_skinny Spawns a skinny zombie
spawn monster_zombie_suit_neckstump Spawns a Suit zombie with no head
spawn monster_zombie_suit_bloodymouth Spawns a Suit zombie with a bloody mouth
spawn monster_zombie_suit_skinny Spawns a Skinny Suit zombie
spawn monster_zombie_tshirt_bald Spawns a Bald zombie similar to the one in the infirmary
spawn monster_zombie_tshirt_blown Spawns a zombie almost exactly like the one in the infirmary

Multiplayer: Command Cheat.

Tekan ctrl+alt+~(tilda) this opens up the console. Di mutiplayer game Num Pad lebih banyak berperan untuk memasukkan kode.

Cheat Effect
exec mp_vchat Activates the cheat.
Press . (Period) "That Sucked"
Press 0 (Zero) "Great Game"
Press 1 (One) "Cancel That"
Press 2 (Two) "Pull Back!"
Press 3 (Three) "Prepare for Attack"
Press 4 (Four) "Grab the Armour"
Press 5 (Five) "Cover Me"
Press 6 (Six) "Over Here"
Press 7 (Seven) "Attack Now"
Press 8 (Eight) "Move In "
Press 9 (Nine) "I'll Take That"
Press * (Star) "Hack"
Press / (Backslash) "Die Already"

Doom 3 Passwords

Cabinet Lock Codes

Enter these on the panels found on the numbered cabinets through out the game.

Password Effect
396 #001
483 #003
752 #009
586 #013
347 #017
531 #023
409 #038
102 #039
123 #047
123 #048
123 #049
246 #054
142 #054 (second)
972 #063
651 #064
364 #078
364 #079
259 #103
579 #104
538 #112
715 #114
972 #116
624 #116 (second)
624 #117
371 #213
298 #215
841 #317
836 #386
836 #387
571 #452
372 #666
468 #669
0508 Martian Buddies 1 and 2
734 Weapons Storage 1 and 2
842 Valve 1 Terminal
584 Mars City Armory
826 Monorail Airlock
298 21D
734 Plasma Storage
931 Security Chief Door
624 #216
624 #217
463 Level 3 Access
725 Storage 07
627 CPU Lab A


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