Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Cheat Codes
Console Commands
Masuk kotak cheat dengan menekan ~ lalu masukkan kode-kode berikut:
Cheat | Effect |
bot_kill | Membunuh semua bot ( langsung menang jika bom belum terpasang)
restart | restart map without losing any goals |
cl_levellocks 16382 | Bring down the All Deleted Scenes |
sv_cheats 1 | Enables cheats |
god | Tidak terlihat
noclip | Tembus tembok
notarget | Musuh tidak bisa melihat mu
bot_zombie 1 | Bot hanya diam tidak bergerak
bot_pistols_only | bot hanya akan membeli pistol
kick | kick the bots |
bot_sniper_only | bot hanya membeli snipers |
bot_goto_mark #number | membuat bot bergerak ke tempat tertentua
bot_difficulty | set tingkat kesulitan bot
bot_knives_only 1 | Bot hanya memakai pisau
Fly | bisa terbang ^_^
sv_gravity # | Ganti "#" dengan nomor dan akan merubah gravitasi. Deaf = 800. |
mp_c4timer # | Ganti "3" dengan nomor untuk merubah timer C4. Deaf= 45. |
mp_friendlyfire # | Ganti "#" dengan angka 1 atau 0 untuk merubah Friendly Fire. 1=On 0=Off. |
mp_startmoney # | Ganti "#" dengan angka untuk merubah jumlah uang. Deaf = 800. |
career_end_round | Mengakhiri pertempuran (kalah). |
career_restart | Restarts Pertempuran. |
bot_zombie # | Ganti "#" dengan 1 atau 0 untuk membuat bot brjalan atau berhenti. 1=Moving 0=Non-Moving. |
bot_difficulty | Set the BOTS difficulties. |
bot_knives_only 1# | Ganti "#" dengan 1 atau 0 membuat bot hanya memakai pisau. 1=Only Knives 0=Not just knives. Deaf = 0. |
v | Uang Maksimal
mp_freeztime | Menghentikan waktu, pemain masih tetap biasa bergerak. |
sv_gravity | set gravitasi, semakin rendah # artinya kamu akan terlihat melayang, semakin tinggi # semakin berat berjalan dan jika jatuh damage nya lebih besar. |
bot_stop 1 | Makes the bot's stand still. |
bot_allow_rogues 0 | Menghentikan inisiatif bot, mereka akan patuh perintah mu. |
bot_defer_to_human 0 | bot tidak akan menunggumu untuk menyelamatkan sandera, memasang bom atau menjinakkan bom. |
mp_startmoney 16000 | Keuangan maksimal. |
jointeam 6 ; jointeam 1 | Menjadi Terrorist setelah mati
jointeam 6 ; jointeam 2 | Menjadi Counter-Terrorist setelah mati
impulse 101 | Doesn't give you more weapons. Instead gives you full money. |
+graph | Shows a little information on the very bottom right of your screen |
-graph | Disables the litte information on the bottom right corner when you have +graph on |
sv_restartround 1 | game restart setelah 1 detik |
decalfrequency 0 | Enables unlimited spraying |
gl_spriteblend <0-1> | Enables blood thickening on or off. 0 = Off. 1 = On |
cl_righthand <0-1> | Merubah tangan yg memegang senjata. 0 = tangan kiri. 1 = tangan kanan. |
mp_autoteambalance <0-1> | Enables auto-team balance. 0 = Off. 1 = On. |
mp_autokick <0-1> | Enables the local player to automatically kick other players. 0 = Off. 1 = On. |
hud_deathnoticetime # | You can see the last deaths of players on the specified seconds. |
sv_clienttrace # | Peluru tembus tembok. |
mp_fadetoblack <0-1> | When set to 0, the screen will be black when any player from the server is dead. Switch to 1 to disable. |
quit | Automatically ends the game and quits Condition Zero |
disconnect | Automatically ends the game but doesn't quit Condition Zero |
clear | Erases all the whole messages in the console. |
list | Lists available servers to participate in. |
alias " | Executes the command by just entering the |
sv_restart 1 | game restarts setelah 1 detik (sama dengan "sv_restartround 1"). |
mp_tkpunish <0-1> | When enabled, bots/players who kills their teammate(s) will die on the next round. 0 = Off. 1 = On. |
mp_hostagepenalty | Automatically kicks the bot/player if he kills so many hostages according to the value. Put 0 to disable. |
maxplayers | Set maximum players saat membuat new multiplayer game. Hanya berlaku sebelum perang di mulai. |
+commandmenu | Displays commands for faster use on the left side of your screen. |
-commandmenu | Enter this code if you have "+commandmenu" activated only. |
autobuy | Secara otomatis membeli senjata terbaik untuk tim kamu. AK-47 jika T dan M4A1 jika CT. |
timerefresh | Refreshes time on the console. |
Spawn indicated items
Tekan ` .Lalu ketik sv_cheats 1 untuk memperbolehkan cheat, lalu ketik give weapon_
Cheat | Effect |
weapon_ak47 | spawns the name |
weapon_aug | spawns the name |
weapon_awp | spawns the name |
weapon_deagle | spawns the name |
weapon_famas | spawns the name |
weapon_fiveseven | spawns the name |
weapon_g3sg1 | spawns the name |
weapon_glock18 | spawns the name |
weapon_m3 | spawns the name |
weapon_m4a1 | spawns the name |
weapon_mac10 | spawns the name |
weapon_mp5navy | spawns the name |
weapon_p228 | spawns the name |
weapon_p90 | spawns the name |
weapon_scout | spawns the name |
weapon_sg550 | spawns the name |
weapon_sg552 | spawns the name |
weapon_tmp | spawns the name |
weapon_ump45 | spawns the name |
weapon_usp | spawns the name |
weapon_xm1014 | spawns the name |
ammo_generic | full ammo dari semua senjata yg kamu bawao
item_healthkit 1 | give you 15 health, the number multiplies the amount to be restored |
item_armor 1 | give you 15 health, the number multiplies the amount to be restored |
weapon_laws | give you LAWS (rocket launcher) |
weapon_m60 | give you M60 machine gun |
weapon_shieldgun | give you a shield and a pistol |
waduh sangat lengkap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thnx udh mmpir bro ^_^
cs extremku kalo dipencet "~", kok kagak keluar perintahnya....? Mhn pencerahan....
@anonymous : ntu mah beda v. x..
sebelum'a sorry, ntu cheat g bakal aktif..
cara ngaktifinnya:
sv_cheats 1 bis ntuh restart/retry/changelevel
klo udh di gituin, baru bisa..
oia, 1 lg..
ntuh yg weapon_laws yakin bisa gan.?
gimana caranya ?
kalo mau rubah settingan untuk megang senjata jadi tangan kanan gimana?
udah dicobain pake perintah diatas tapi ga mau rubah, masih pake tangan kiri pegang senjatanya, mohon pencerahan..
klo mau megang senjata tangan kiri
pencet aja f3, gk ush cheat
itu cheat noclip gk bsa ya?
gak mempan bro meskipun dah ku aktifkan chetanyua!!!
semua cheatnya gk ada yg betul yg aq coba...gmana sih?? cheat apa bukan tuh?
gak bisa gan
semua uda aku lakukan dan berhasil. akan tatapi ga bisa keluar dari game level ( ga bisa pindah ke level berikutnya). gi mana caranya tuh?
gi mane si caranye.....? plis gan jawap....
Coba dong rekam masukin You Tube cara aktifin noclip, god, notarget ??
kok cheat nya gak bisa
kok gk bisa , ?
Tupu daya rik tek anjing
yang senjata kok kaga bisa gan?
aku nyoba 75% bisa,,,,yg g bisa bda versi gamenya mngkin
F3 ga bsa
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